What I have observed since we conceived the idea of a
“butter tart store”, is that butter tarts are sensual. You tell people
that you sell butter tarts, and they do a little moan or in some cases a bigger
moan. I’ve been thinking about the reason for this. Well, for one thing, many of
us were introduced to butter tarts by our mothers or grandmothers. This takes
us back to childhood and often to one of the most delicious things we had ever
tasted to that point in our young lives. The rich butteryness (is that a word?)
of the pastry and filling virtually goes to a person’s soul and defies
description. Further still, most of us being cautious about our figures, have
some sense of the calories contained therein, but, we also know that a good
butter tart is well worth the caloric sacrifice. Whatever the cause for the
tart’s sensuality, it’s certainly here to stay, and we are proud of our tarts.
Recipes between families do tend to vary considerably and
generally people like whatever they grew up with. But what is quite humourous
is the discussion between the contractor who blew a gasket because his runny
tart dripped on his steering wheel versus the woman, also driving while tart
eating, who revelled in having the tart drip up her wrist as she was eating it,
thereby forcing her to lick every drop of it off her arm. Maybe this somehow
relates to the sensual nature of the butter tart.
With Warm Tart Regards,